Community Apps

This page lists apps developed by members of the Tethys community that may have broad appeal. Use the links provided with each app description to get help and report bugs. If you think others could benefit from your app, start a discussion on the Tethys Platform Discussions and use the label "community-apps".

App Tile

Tethys App Store

Author: Rohit Khattar

License: BSD 3-Clause License

The Tethys App Store is similar in concept to the iOS App Store for Apple mobile devices or the Google Play Store for Android mobile devices, but exclusively for Tethys Applications. The Tethys App Store aims to make web applications portable by packaging Tethys Applications as Python packages and hosting them on Miniconda repositories. The App Store includes an option for developers to contribute their applications by following a two-step work-flow within the App Store’s user interface. The App Store’s backend processes take care of all the heavy lifting to correctly prepare the code and make it available as an easily installable Miniconda package.